We are pleased to announce that Clayton Christensen will join us for Competing Against Luck at the Prince Theater on January 6, 2017. We are grateful to you, our community of business, legal, technology and creative professionals, for your patience, your flexibility, and most of all, your curiosity.

Register here for Competing Against Luck! (Note: All pre-registered tickets will be honored for the new date.)

A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation. Now, after years of research, Christensen has come to one critical conclusion: our long-held maxim—that understanding the customer is the crux of innovation—is wrong. Customers don’t buy products or services; they “hire” them to do a job. Understanding customers does not drive innovation success, he argues. Understanding customer jobs does. Christensen’s “Jobs To Be Done” theory offers new hope for growth to companies frustrated by their hit and miss efforts.

Join the Arts + Business Council, a Council of the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia, for a conversation featuring Harvard Business School Professor, Disruptive Innovation Expert, author and consultant, Clayton Christensen. The foremost authority on innovation presents a path-breaking theory every company needs to transform innovation from a game of chance to one of predictive strategy.

Register now!

Questions? Contact Ari Kushner at 215.790.3606 or akushner@artsbusinessPHL.org

Title Support from:

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With Additional Support from:

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Join ABC, in partnership with the Chamber, in bringing the business, legal, technology and creative communities together for an innovation focused event featuring Harvard Business School Professor, Disruptive Innovation Expert, scholar, author, and business consultant, Clayton Christensen.

Click Here to Get Your Tickets Today!